Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida, Inc. (HPCSWF) te otorize pa Lalwa Florid an 1982 pou planifye pou bezwen swen sante rezidan sèt konte yo – Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hendry, Lee ak Sarasota (Zòn 8). ). Responsablite pou planifikasyon sistèm sante efikas ak pri-efikas pataje ak Depatman Sante Laflorid (DOH), Ajans pou Administrasyon Swen Sante (AHCA), ak yon rezo nan tout eta a ki gen 11 konsèy lokal planifikasyon sante.

Konsèy Administrasyon
Konsèy Planifikasyon Sante Sidwès Florid gouvène pa yon konsèy trèz manm ki reprezante konsomatè swen sante, founisè medikal, ak administratè ke komisyonè konte yo nonmen epi distribye selon popilasyon an.
Robert Zack, Chairman, Sarasota County
Laurie Andrea, Vice Chair, Collier County
Bob Johns, Secretary, Lee County
Michele Wardeberg, Treasurer, Collier County
Sharon Murphy, RN, Lee County
Jeffrey K. Anlauf, Charlotte County
Roger D. Ward, Lee County
Jennifer Hood, Hendry County
Misyon nou
Nou pran angajman pou amelyore sante ak byennèt kominote nou an ak PRIDE.
- Providing & Promoting early health intervention
- Reducing health disparities
- Increasing access to quality health related services
- Detecting & eliminating gaps in related services
- Educating & Collaborating
Disponib ak Aksesib
HPCSWF bay resous done ki gen rapò ak bezwen sante rejyonal yo ak sèvis sante yo. Prensipal konsantre HPCSWF se amelyore aksè a sante ak edikasyon pou moun ki gen resous limite epi redwi diferans nan sante nan kominote nou an.
Patisipasyon Kominote
HPCSWF pran angajman pou l mande patisipasyon kominote a pou inisyativ planifikasyon li yo. Anplis de fonksyon planifikasyon li yo, HPCSWF se Ajans dirijan pou pwogram ki gen rapò ak sante sa yo: Early Steps/Early Intervention Program k ap sèvi timoun ki gen laj 0 a 3 ane ki gen andikap devlòpmantal ak fanmi yo, HOPWA (Opòtinite Lojman pou Moun ki gen SIDA), ak Pwogram Health Insurance Navigator (asistans gratis pou aplike pou pwoteksyon sou echanj federal la).
HPCSWF pral reyalize misyon nou lè li respekte Valè debaz nou yo nan 4 C yo:
- Community – Nou kondwi pa bezwen kominote nou yo, patikilyèman moun ki pi vilnerab yo.
- Collaboration – Atravè kolaborasyon nou kapab aprann epi pataje enfòmasyon ki gen plis enpak sou misyon nou.
- Creativity – Nou ankouraje solisyon kreyatif pou pwoblèm difisil.
- Continuous Improvement – Swen sante toujou ap evolye e kòm sa, nou dwe tou.

Your Health Planning Management Team
Brian T. Hemmert
Chief Executive OfficerPeggy Brown
Director Community Health PlanningTrina Puddefoot
Director Early StepsRobin Listello
Director Human ResourcesWe're Hiring
If you’re a healthcare professional looking to take your career to the next level, explore all career opportunities at HPCSWF.
We’re looking for candidates who are ready to bring their expertise to our team and strive to provide the very best service to our growing community!
Lòt Enfòmasyon
Nou te pran mezi apwopriye pou asire moun ki andikape yo gen opòtinite egal pou yo patisipe nan sèvis, aktivite, pwogram ak lòt benefis nou yo. Moun ki gen andikap yo enkli moun ki soud, ki mal pou tande, ki avèg, oswa ki gen vizyon ba oswa lòt limit sansoryèl.
Èd ak sèvis oksilyè gratis pou ede nou pi byen kominike ak moun ki gen andikap
- Relay service – TTY: 1-877-486-2048.
- Accessible formats
- Get the “Medicare & You” handbook in large print, Braille, audio, CD, or as an eBook.
- Request another auxiliary aid or service:
- For Medicare publications, call us at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY: 1-877-486-2048.
- For all other CMS publications, you can:
- Call 1-844-ALT-FORM (1-844-258-3676). TTY: 1-844-716-3676.
- Send a fax to 1-844-530-3676.
- Send an email to altformatrequest@cms.hhs.gov.
- Send a letter to:
Offices of Hearings and Inquiries (OHI)
7500 Security Boulevard, Mail Stop S1-13-25
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850
Attn: Customer Accessibility Resource Staff
- Online
- By phone: Call 1-800-368-1019. TDD users should call 1-800-537-7697.
- In writing: Send information about your complaint to:
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201