Family Centered, Community Driven

Early Steps: An Overview for Providers

Our Program   

Early Steps provides services to children and families using evidence-based interventions delivered in the child’s natural environment using a coaching based approach to service delivery.

Our Process.
As an early steps provider you will work as part of a transdisciplinary team using the primary service provider approach to service delivery. Each team meets weekly to problem solve and support the primary provider to ensure the knowledge of the entire team is used to support each child and family.  Providers may bring video’s and specific questions to the team for strategies and consultation so providers can be fully supported when delivering services.

Our Promise.
Professional Development is key to maintaining your skills and keeping up with best practice.  In Florida all early steps providers participate in the statewide FL-EPIC professional development program. An implementation coach will support each provider in the use of home visiting practices and coaching strategies, on an ongoing basis.

Early Steps uses a team-based primary service provider approach to early intervention services. This approach is based on research that shows:

Early Steps
Early Steps Enrollment
Daily interactions between parents or caregivers and their children have the greatest impact on child development.
Early Steps providers respect the important role parents and caregivers play in early child development. Providers use a parent education approach to coach parents and caregivers on ways they can support their child’s development during everyday interactions.
Children learn best during the activities and routines that they experience every day where they live and play.
Early Steps providers serve families in the home, as well as in childcare centers and community settings typical for children. This provides children with a context for the skills they learn and helps parents see routine daily activities like meal times, playtime, bath time, bedtime and outings as opportunities for their children to practice important developmental skills.
Early intervention services are most effective when provided in the least intrusive manner.
A primary service provider is identified to serve as the principle point of contact between program staff, family members and other caregivers. By coordinating services through a primary service provider, families have access to a wide range of expertise without having to juggle multiple appointments with a variety of providers. This approach results in less disruption of daily family life.

Professional Development Program (FL-EPIC)

Florida Embedded Practices and Intervention with Caregivers (FL-EPIC) is an approach to early intervention service delivery where providers coach caregivers to use strategies during everyday routines that support their child's development and learning, for more information visit the Florida Learning Center

Additional Resources

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